Birth Control Pills Harmed My Life – My Truth Is NOT Misinformation

by Y on March 25, 2024

When I saw this article, I was shocked, in just the hair loss aspect alone, my life was forever changed, in the most negative way by making the decision to take the pill. 

I started to lose my hair at 21, the pill kicked in my genetic predisposition for female pattern baldness, something I did not know was even a possibility. It would take me over a decade to find a way to live with hair loss, and I lost my entire 20s, it’s a blur of sadness, depression, and losing myself, watching myself erode in the mirror, and then blaming myself for having caused this TO MYSELF, because I made the decision to take the pill. 

That is the past and my present, and my story is my truth, and not misinformation, women sharing the ways their lives have been affected helps 1 ) to heal themselves by discussing it and 2 ) helps others maybe not have to go through the same thing, or saves a loved one in the future. 

Just because we didn’t go to medical school does not mean our stories are not valid, it does not mean it’s misinformation, and also keep in mind just because it hasn’t happened to you does not mean it cannot happen and does happen to other women. 

It is up to us to share our stories, educate ourselves, this is our body and our life. For anyone truly interested in getting more educated about the Birth Control Pill, I high recommend The documentary The Business of Birth Control.

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