I stumbled across something online today that said that Tina Turner actually suffers with alopecia universalis. I’m not sure if thats true or not, as many African American women wear wigs and hair weaves. Most often I think it is for style, but who knows this could be why I have never actually have seen a picture of her without her wig. She always looks so fabulous, the wigs just add to her beauty.
But after reading that I started wondering about the other famous women who are known to wear wigs all the time. Cher and Dolly Parton are the ones that come to mind instantly. Is it for fashion and style or is it because they are also losing or have lost their hair. I guess my personal thought is that they most likely have some form of hair loss, whether it is alopecia areata, or just plain old androgenetic alopecia. I could be wrong, I don’t have any evidence to support that, but why else would you spend your whole life wearing a wig?
When you lose your hair I think you often look around for others who are experiencing the same condition, you just don’t want to feel alone. Maybe thats why I think they too have hair loss, it could just be my minds weak attempt to cope better by trying to lump their situation into the same category as mine… diagnosis hair loss.
I found an interesting article that was published back in 2003 titled, “Dolly Parton Unwigged? Never!” In the article Dolly Parton says she would never step outside the house without the wig and makeup, she joked, “unless my husband is dying of a heart attack, and even then I would think about it.” Funny.
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Actually you would be shocked if I told you what celebrities wore hair pieces…Nearly all of them have some type of hair enhancement from wigs, pieces, extensions to total bonding systems, including eyebrows. Don’t feel lonely, I have suffered from hair loss for the past 10 years and recently got the courage to wear wigs. Its tough, especially when you are trying to date and they keep staring at your head, or knock it off when they are trying to lean in for that goodnight kiss. I guess what I do to cope is stop looking at my baldness in the mirror, eliminate all mirrors, and wear wigs and a little bit of makeup.
Hi All,
great to find this site. Just wanted to tell you about some sites for great thyriod help. Yahoo groups has two, natural thyriod and adrenal and t3 and rt3 also try real thyriod.com. My hair loss is at the point that I’m seriously lokking into wigs.
Hi Dev –
Welcome to the site! Thanks for pointing out those thyroid resources.
well if they are staring at your head, then what that means is that you are not wearing a realistic enough looking wig.
i have never been caught, everyone thinks i have naturally thick hair or extentions.
i am done stressing out about the hair loss i’m very beautiful and hair is just component of beauty.
i hope other women get the courage to do the same.
I have been experiencing hair loss for quite a few years and am now considering a wig for special occasions. My hair loss is not all over – only on top and the person who will make my wig assures me it will look natural.. I have always been considered above average in looks – some have called me beautiful, and this a real self esteem issue. Has wearing a wig helped other women with similar self esteem issues due to hair loss? I also feel a little guilty, as if I am somehow cheating. who knew that hair could be so complicated?
I have been wearing wigs for about 4 years now (non-stop). I give my head a rest at night when I get home and on weekends if i’m at home but my loss is so bad and my hair is dark brown that it’s a clear sight straight to my head without wigs to cover the balding up. I wear Paula Young wigs and they are wonderful and not expensive either. No one ever knows I wears wigs. I’m always asked who cuts and styles my hair and I’ve even fooled hair dressers. I’m telling the truth. Paula Young has all the latest styles, short, long, and in between. They also carry all the special products you would need to care for your wig.
Sometimes I fear that wearing wigs might be making my problem worse but I can’t be seen without a wig in public. It’s just not pretty…
A women losing her hair is terrible but thank goodness there are great looking covers and only you will know:)
Im 15 and have had alopecia since i was about 7 i remember when i first got i t my nana cut my realy hair so i didnt notice it falling out so much, but to be honest i was 7 and looks ment nothing to me, my mum brought me lots of bandanas and i could choose the colour and patern. So iv grown up with alopecia and sometimes it still gets me down but im ok with it. Because im still a child i get wigs free from the NHS but they are absoulte rubbish the hair is so fake and everyone can see it it so obvisly a wig which is really annoying. I was going to the shop with my mum when i was about 10 and some teenager started laughing and shouting oh my god look at her and my mum went balistic so i know that no matter what there will always be someone there my family and friends love me for who i am and dont car about what i look like
aww, i feel for you girls.
were doing a news report at school on alopecia.
im in school right now looking for information on it
you women are strong
I relate to Dolly so much, I’m the same way. Some people won’t leave home without an Amex card but I won’t leave home without hairspray and makeup. I read some time ago an interview Tina did where she said that she had a bad lye job done on her hair in the 60’s that caused her to lose most of her hair and she has been wearing wigs ever since. I’m just curious how she keeps it from falling off when she’s dancing around like a crazy woman.
hey guys
i’m only 18, really started to notice thinning when i was in the 4th grade, now i am seriously starting to think about a wig, i mean, i can’t even wear my hair down..i’m still in highschool, just recently found out i have androgenic alopecia. I don’t know whether it’s from my dads side, or an imbalance of hormones. WELL THANK YOU DAD. sometimes i just think “why should i care? in 40 years my heairs gonna fall out sometime!” but then i think i’m only 18 i’m still sooo young. i hate having to hide it, but again, i feel like why should i, I’m not the one causing it, i mean why would i? i don’t WANT a wig, i’m sure no women do, it’s not MY hair that i only dream of having. I don’t know what i should do..
I have alopecia for most of my life and have struggled with wearing wigs. I just found out about front and full lace wigs that are a God send. These wigs are glued to the perimeter of your hairline and you wear it like your own hair. you can even wear your hair up in a pony tail the hairline looks so real. Believe me no one can tell if you do it right. No more being afraid of kissing on a date and worrying that your wig will fall off. You can even swim in it. That is probably what Tina Turner wears, in fact I am sure of it. A lot of celebrities wear them If you google it you will can read all about it.
Have any of you heard of it before?
I have thinning hair on top of my head but I’ve hidden it the best I can with the right hairstyles and always checking in mirrors to make sure the spots aren’t showing. I also have very curly hair so it looks like more volume than it really is.
I’m considering getting a partial weave or a partial wig for the top of my head. One thing I’m really scared of is whether it will come off during more intimate moments. I am hoping my boyfriend won’t be able to feel the partial wig on top of my head (I am looking at a lace front, but I’m not sure if a partial wig can be glued on), but I think he would definitely be able to feel the weave tracks.
Anyone have any advice on this? I’m driving myself crazy.
Actually, the reason Dolly rarely does not appear in public without a wig is because she believes the public and her fans expect her to look a certain way, and would be disappointed if she looked otherwise. She HAS actually occasionally appeared without a wig, but her own real hair is also plaitnum blonde and usually styled similarly, so most people don’t know the difference. She has said that it’s simply the convenience. She likes, big, elaborate hairstyles, and it would take two hours to get one’s own hair to look like that, but with a wig, she can just plunk it down on her head and be ready.
I’m getting bald. I’m 37 years old. I’m a triathlete so I’m very fit and have good skin and a great smile. The only problem is my hair and it makes me less confident in public. I’m considering a wig. Should I do so? Is it noticeable?
My 4 1/2 year old granddaughter has alopecia…I was wondering if anyone ouot there has any similar experience to share….
I just tripped over this site. Very interesting. I went through a period of very high stress about 15 years ago. I swelled up so much I could only wear sandals, was covered with a fine rash, and then my hair started thinning. And, when everything else was ok again, my hair was still thinning and thinning. I went to a world-renowned dermatologist who did TV shows and headed the dept. at UC San Francisco and she told me she didn’t see it. Of course, like a weather forecaster, once it had actually “rained” some more, she gave me a positive diagnosis. First Telegen Effluvium. Then Alopecia Areata. Then AA Diffusa….I got real tired of getting a new diagnosis with every visit and not much else. Store remedies were a joke. I worked with some very competitive women who literally asked me in front of others if I was losing my hair. I thought THAT’S IT. I am not going through this loss for the world to see. I bought a good wig and learned to wear and care for it. I met other women in similar circumstances. One told me that my story was much like hers and after several years, her hair grew back. Well, mine did too. I wore a wig for about ten years and somewhere in there, it began to grow in thicker and I have a very full head of hair. So, you never know. I learned to handle stress better and to take control of my life. It is an extremely emotional issue for women, though. I can attest to it. I was young and very attractive and then hit with that situation. I think that taking control of it really helped me. I wouldn’t hesitate to wear a wig again if need be. There are no excuses or explanations necessary. Men are SO MUCH MORE understanding than women think they will be. The best explanation is I’ve suffered some hair loss. Not sure why but I choose to wear a wig. Nuff said. If he can’t cut it, move on. Afterall, despite the hair loss, you ARE ARE ARE ARE ARE the same woman.
Wow Karen, you are awesome! Your post is so comforting and assuring! Thank you!
Very interesting post! Believe it or not, I just started wearing wigs about 2 weeks ago. I used to have long relaxed hair (african-american by the way) about 6 years ago. I decided to go Vegan and live a more natural lifestyle so with that relaxed chemical hair had to go. So I had it all cut off and I sported a short do and allowed my natural to grow in well naturally. For the past 5 years I’ve been completely natural and wore my hair in natural styles. I’m not sure if any of you have experienced this, but the work it takes to work with naturally curly hair is pretty intense everyday, especially because I wore suits to work everyday. A couple weeks ago I drove by a place called “Adorn Wigs” and decided just to walk in and see what they had. Because I was at my limit tired of 2 hour hair routines, weekend long hair conditioning, tanges galore and bad hairs back to back to back. I wanted an option that would give me my life back my mother recommended trying a wig on bad hair days. So I decided here is a shop let me check it out. It took 10 minutes! I initially purchased Beverly Johnson, but also wear Forever Young (ordered online) the wig looks great, I get so many compliments! All I can say is 4 bobby pins and I’m out the door. I already had good self-esteem and confidence, but let me tell you there is nothing like a boost that was so unexpected from selecting a stylish wig and wearing it with style. So I say go for it, then I found out other women in highschool, college, etc. are sporting them too, to keep from damaging their real hair. And I love having super long big bouncy curls one day and sleek and razor style the next. Have fun and let go of the misconceptions behind wigs. They are a lot of fun and may be what you need!
You are all beautiful!
Many celebrities wear wigs. It is part of the business.
take a look at this campaign, my very close friend is the woman behind it and being very brave in it, were trying to get this in front of as many people as possible, please share!
please take a look at this campaign, my dear friend is being so brave for an amazing cause!
I’m 14 years old and I have had alopecia since I was 4-5 years old. At first I hated it!!! I never knew if kids were my friends just because they want to be my friends or if they just want to know why I wear hats and bandannas. Ignorant people would just assume I had cancer. That would really annoy me alot. Everything changed though, when I found out about, “Locks of Love”. Some of you might have heard of it, and for those who haven’t, Locks of Love uses real donated hair for hairpieces. Its vacuumed sealed so it won’t slip off or fall off. The hair is really beautiful and comes in any color. Locks of Love basically saved my life. And the people their are so amazing and caring. Truly wonderful! For the first time in my life, I actually didn’t care about being bald or having alopecia.
I am 20 years old and I have had alopecia since I was 4 or 5. The doctors say the birth of my baby sister triggered it and I have had it ever since. I get needles every 2 months or so in the bald spot with cortizone. It was great for a while but ever since I started university my hair is just falling out in chunks. The whole back of my hair is gone from the neck to the crown but it is easy to cover up because I have thick curly hair. Lately I have been developing spots in the front near my hair line.
If anyone live in the toronto area I HIGHLY suggest going to Dr. Weksberg. He helped me grow my eyebrows and eyelashes back and if it were not for him I would be completely bald.
I do not suggest wearing a weave or extensions if you have alopecia. I did and it puts a lot of stress and tension on the hair, causing more to fall out. Also wigs are good for once in a while but make sure that you let your scalp breath to allow hair growth. A great product is “super hair growth”. You can find it at walmart in the african american hair product section.
I Feel Like Most Women Who Are Considering Wearing A Wig For The First Time. It Is A Difficult Thing To Consider But My Own Hair Is So Bad, That People Stare At Me Whenever I Am Out In Public. I Am 43 years Old And
I Have Always Had Bad, Thin, Frizzy Hair. It Is Horrible To Fix Up And Try To Feel Good About Yourself, But You Can’t Because Your Hair Is So Bad.
I Am Actually Looking At Some Different Wig Styles So I Can Choose One To Wear When I Go Out On Special Occasions. It Is So Important For Me To Feel Better About Myself Again. But I Will Always Know That It Is A Wig.
Let’s Just Hope That No One Will Notice That I AmWearing A Wig When I Am Out For The Evening!
I know how all you women feel out there…whatever your situation is it is horribly difficult when you are considering wearing a wig when you really just want your own hair . I am in a predicament with my hair and considering it myself. I had to cut my hair short because it broke off from bleach. Then my hairdresser told me I needed to stop bleaching and try high lift tint as I wanted to remain blonde but realized it was still breaking. So I decided to go a dark color, but I don’t like it. It is a thin, broken off, chin length mop right now. A have to wash it everyday or it is plastered to my head. After I blow it dry it goes kinky and horrible and takes almost two hours just to straighten as I like it straight. THEN…I also went to a dermatologist to have a scalp biopsy because I noticed my hair was also thinning. I was absolutely horrified and devastated when the doctor told me that I probably have androgenetic alopecia. Since I am such a hair person this just about killed my self image and self esteem that is so wrapped into my hair. My Mom lost her hair due to stress and possibly alopecia, and wears a wig herself so you can imagine my thoughts and fears right now about what will happen to me. I have no idea if if my hair will grow back longer again and recover or not. I am hoping so much that it will, but I am thinking that all the primping and heat every morning can’t be helping it much. I hate the way it looks right now anyway. All I do is fret and stress over how I hate how it looks, so I have been considering wearing a wig to give my hair a break, but struggling a bit with it as I have never worn a wig and worry about what people will think….
I just stumbled upon this while doing a little bit of reading about the number of celebrities who wear wigs. I have to disagree with the author on one thing. There ARE other reasons to wear wigs all the time. I originally started to show solidarity with a family member who developed alopoecia, and a friend with BC. Then some of my own hair fell out, and some came back, but it wasn’t too much to worry about. After a while, I actually found it so much easier to deal with than my own hair, I never went back. It was one less thing to deal with, and I was hooked. Instead, now, I grow my own hair out and donate it, and have done a few times (it breathes just fine under a wig). I’ve found a few friends as well, who wear wigs only for style, and while they are not necessarily as obsessed as Dolly, they aren’t coming off. I feel better, and I think I look better. I have more confidence, and suppose I feel with it on I am a little more ‘finished.” And, more than that, I am so used to them, it may sound odd, but I’d feel naked without it. I am considering having one bonded just to see how a few weeks with the same one would feel. Even in the summer, I feel much better. Besides, the Egyptians wore them to protect themselves from the heat. And, it’s just plain fun, and I can feel like those celebrities with the gorgeous wigs too

I do think there is a lot going on with the people who wear wigs by choice, and those who don’t have those options. Some choose to go bald, I am not one of those, although I have considered shaving my head (for bonding, so I’ll still wear a wig). I have done so most of my life by choice. I am not African American. However, now, I face the same as the rest of you. You see, as my own hair has started fall out, and while it may come back, it may not. I have worried a bit that the option is no longer there, but I suppose I am in a unique position having “gotten ready for this,” albeit unconsciously. I’m going to try my best to be positive. Oh yeah and it’s another excuse to go shopping
This site is amazing! The stories are moving from real women just like myself. I currently have locks. I had little longer than shoulder length hair, when I cut two weeks ago. I no longer want locks, and wanna grow my hair out. I have invested in 3 wigs presently. I have wore two of them so far. I must confess that it takes some adjusting to. Lol. I will be cutting my hair very short on this week. Well, here it goes. Im excited! I think wigs offer women such a huge form of expressing the many sides of themselves, without the commitment
is so wonderful to be able to talk about this issue because it sems to be that there would be some kind of beauty level that people dealing with our problems are not able to get.
i live in peru and now days there are better quality wigs althought the very undetectable ones are only made to be send to america.
i used to wait to see my hair regrow but i just dont wait it anymore im not more focuse on that and since i became in a friend of my own wig its a part of who i am…..i even being asked to model ……im only 25 years old i have so much to live for i couldnt let this problem let me down.
since i decided to make piece with my mirror i m able to look myself with love.
dont let this desease destroy your life………pull yourself together make it hapend
and remenber Gad is greather than your heart as the bible says and he knows whats in your heart and how this desease could affect your heart.
im jehovahs witness and thats being my reason to move on i know God loves me for who iam and he gives us a real hope for this sickness.
I am a 53 year old woman with very thin fine hair. My mother has thin hair and father is bald. It get it on both sides of the family. Whenever I am outdoors in the elements my hair becomes a mess and that is with hairspray on. A receeding hairline is very noticable when the wind whips my hair around. This si SO…embarrasing, really affects my self-esteem. Have been considering going back to wearing a wig. I tried one before but found out that I was allergic to the chemical in the synthetic hair fibers. Cannot afford a human hair wig right now. Did find out that there is a way to take the chemical out of the fibers though and that is by soaking the wig in vinegar and warm water. What I am concerned about though is how to keep the wig on your head without it slipping off, especially on windy days.
I have read all of the post but I am still in such an emotional mess. I am considering wearing a wig. I have genetic hair loss and currently waiting to see a consultant. My biggest concern is not my friends and family but people that I work with. I am a confident bubbly girl but i dread going to work in a wig. Oh and dating!! what reactions have people got from men finding out its a wig and work colleagues.??
So glad to read all of this. Over the pasgt 8-10 years I have had bald patches from alopecia, but it has always grown back and I have been able to hide it. About a year ago I got a bald spot right in the crown of my head which meant I had to always wear my hair pulled back to hide it. In the past 2 months I have lost my hair from the nape of my neck half way up my head with a spot right in front and several on top. I have never had it fall out this much. I struggled over wearing a wig, but finally did. I worried about what people would think, but found that the women I work with were very complimentary and supportive. Some who hadn’t seen me in awhile made comments about how good my hair looks. I just smile and say thank you. My biggest stress has come from wanting to look my best for my husband, but wanting to take my wig off when I get home from work and on weekends. He is very sweet about it, but I know how pitiful it looks and hate that he sees me like that all the time. I am looking at buying another wig, and looking for hats for evenings and weekends. This has been a struggle, mainly because my hair was always my best assett. I know I am obsessed with not being able to pull my hair up or in a ponytail with a wig, since that is how I usually wore my hair.
I am 56 and have had thin fine hair all of my life. I work in an office and dress professsional but there is little I can do with my real hair so I started wearing wigs a year ago. The first day is the hardest and once you get a few sincere compliments your confidence quickly builds. Especially when people ask what salon you go to or once someone asked if I used a flat iron to syle it thats when you know it looks real. Wigs have come a long way and to anyone thinking about it I encourage them to give it a try. When I am just at home I wear like a running buff on my head because my head actually does get cold otherwise. Those who truely love you don’t care with or without but you feel so much better about yourself with a wig compared to the alternative of very little hair.
I just started wearing wigs but they are not real hair. I am still single and concerned with dating. How does one tell a man she wears a wig or avoid him touching the fake hair which will give my secret away? I don’t want any man to see the thinning hair in fear he won’t be attracted to me. I have had thin hair all my life and it’s embarrassing! Men have commented on my bald spots and then I never get dates. They like to talk to me but don’t see me as a girl to date. At 49 never married or dated much. It gets hard to deal with. I don’t go out in the daytime without a hat because the sun shows the baldness and when ipthe sun goes down I take off my hat and my hair looks even thinner from it being flattened all day. Any tips on hat wearing?
I have a condition called Ectodermal dysplasia one of the problems with it is my hair is very fine and very thin. I’ve used hair concealer fibres for years and they are fab if you have thinning hair try toppik or viviscal. However I dye my hair a dark brown ( I’m naturally blonde but love having brown hair) constantly dyeing and styling my hair is damaging it so I’m resorting to wearing wigs in order to protect my own hair. I don’t see any stigma in it. I don’t wear them around the house but if I’m nipping out it takes much less time than blow drying and styling my real hair. My ex and my present boyf who I have children with, had no problem with me wearing wigs on occasion. It’s actually fun, you can change your hair colour and style in minutes and even the cheaper ones look realistic in the right colour and style. I’m quite open about the fact it’s a wig if people ask me where i Get my hair done i tell them I don’t, and if they ask me why I wear a wig I tell them it’s to prevent an damage to my own hair. I’d rather wear a wig and have gorgeous glossy real hair than not wear one and have dry damaged hair from over styling and over dyeing, extensions will eventually damage your own hair and can cause traction alopeica so In my opinion it’s not worth it. If a guy loves you he won’t care if you wear a wig or not, just like he won’t care if you wear makeup etc.
Dear All,
Janice I really sympathise with you. I have been experiencing hair loss for the past three years. This is a very terrible ordeal, it somehow affects your level of self-esteem and self-confidence. At some point you don’t feel beautiful and refrain from even going out. I am always so self-conscious and I tend to walk fast when I am in public. I don’t wear a wig, this is a personal choice. I have men who claim are “interested” in me, but yet give me sarcastic comments about my hair. I believe a man who truly loves me, will love me even with my hair loss, that is why I am not wearing a wig. The is a difference between inner beauty and outer beauty, and I am currently working on my inner beauty. I find a sense of emotional support from browsing sites where women talk about the similar experience. I see that my hair is slowly growing back. I am currently taking Biotin, Vitamin B12, and L-Lysine. I think they are really helping.
It certainly brings some comfort knowing that my daughter is not alone in her pain. I must admit, however, that sometimes the pain it causes me is overwhelming. All a father really desires at the end of the day is peace and happiness for his children. Sometimes I am not sure if that prayer will ever be answered….no amount of encouragement seems to make her feel confident ENOUGH. The truth is that she is so very beautiful and so outrageously gifted – but this affliction has remained just that……and she remains full of self-doubt – and it is keeping her from aspiring to fully BE.
Still, I can’t think of any one that impresses me more – and my little girl remains life’s greatest inspiration for me……
I wore a ponytail for 15 years! Have beautiful thick natural black american hair and got lazy and started wearing stupid ponytails. Smothered my natural hair until it was damage beyond recognition. Then one day I decided to go to the beauty supply and look at human hair wigs ( I would wear nothing else)…..found a BJ that I liked and went for it. That was four years ago and I am still going wig strong! I treat my own hair with tender care, so it is finally showing slow signs of life….but I love the wigs! I go online and find them and I just love them….(blacks) have always been so external and comparative of whites that we stress our own selves out. Thank goodness for pioneer women like Beverly Johnson and others who finally got us on a wagon that others have been riding for decades! Wig-on ladies and look good doing it!