It's Not Just Me - Women's Hair Loss Poll Results634 women have voted in the poll, “How Old Were You When Your Hair Loss First Started?” What may seem surprising to many, but not myself is that the highest number of votes are currently for the 15-20 age range with 133 votes. Second highest votes are for the are range 20-25, with 126 votes. But as you study the rest of the results you’ll see that the only conclusion that can be drawn is that hair loss strikes at any age, hardly discriminating. Here are the full results as they stand now:

15-20 (21% 133 Votes)
20-25 (20% 126 Votes)
40-50 (17% 110 Votes)
30-35 (16% 103 Votes)
25-30 (15% 95 Votes)
50-60 (8% 51 Votes)
60+ (3% 16 Votes)

I’m going to keep this poll running until it hits 1000 votes. I think it is very telling that we aren’t alone in this no matter what age we are. If you haven’t voted yet, you can find the poll on the right side bar, you may have to scroll down a little to see it. My vote, age 21.


Hair Loss Drove Me To SuicideI found this article that was posted yesterday on the site. It is about a woman whose hair loss nearly killed her. It is a very touching article so I’m reposting it here for all of the readers:

Shoving a handful of pills into my mouth, I washed them down with a big swig of vodka.

I didn’t even know what I’d taken – I’d grabbed whatever was in the medicine cabinet and hoped it would end my pain. Then, I called one of my friends.

“I’ve taken an overdose,” I sobbed into the phone.

My mum Teresa picked up the receiver downstairs and had heard everything.

She piled me into the car and took me to hospital, near our home in Bradford, West Yorkshire.


She kept asking. “My hair!” I cried. “No one knows what it’s like.”

Up until the age of 13, I’d been just like everyone else. Then, suddenly, my long brown hair started to fall out in clumps.

At first, it was just a few places, here and there. But, gradually, more patches began to appear. I tried covering it up, doing my hair in different styles, using hair thickening creams and sprays. But nothing worked. There was no getting away from it – I was going bald.

The doctors diagnosed alopecia. “We don’t know what has caused it,” the specialist said. “It could have been shock.”

One of my grandmothers has passed away and I’d moved house and schools.

But I’d never dreamed it would make me lose my hair.

Going to school became a nightmare. “Hey, baldie!” the kids would shout at me down the corridor. [click to continue…]


Losing Hair At 27, My Hair Loss Story By SarahI started to notice a loss of hair density when I was 19 years old. At first, I thought it was because I moved to a dry climate, but after time passed, I realized that this was not the case. I had thick, natural curly, wavy hair when I was young. My hair loss has been very gradual, but I feel as though it has accelerated in the last three years. I don’t notice my part getting bigger I just feel loss of density all over my head. I’ve been to three dermatologists and have taken all the tests. Everything comes back normal except for my iron. (Side note: I was diagnosed with anemia back in 2002 and went on iron supplements back then.) My dermatologist advised me to go on iron supplements and spirnolactone. She said I won’t notice a difference in hair density for at least a year after taking the supplements. So far, it has been almost 4 months since I started taking the iron supplements and I haven’t noticed a difference. I don’t shed as much during the day or while I take a shower. However, I lose a lot of hair when I brush. I’d say 150+ hairs. She said that if the iron doesn’t work, that I probably have androgenetic alopecia and because I’m losing hair all over my head, hair replacement surgery is not an option. I haven’t had a scalp biopsy done. I’d like to, but my dermatologist didn’t think it was necessary.

I feel I should also mention my family history. My mother has a full head of hair and she is 63. My dad is just now at age 62, losing his hair, but it could be due to his thyroid condition. My bother is losing hair and he is 33. My grandmother on my mom’s side has hair, my grandfather, however had hair loss. My grandmother on my dad’s side had thin, fine hair, but my dad said he couldn’t recall seeing her scalp. My other grandfather had a full head of hair. So, hair loss is in my family.

With all this said, I’ve gone through a wave of emotions. [click to continue…]


After 2 Years of Hair Loss, I Gratefully Found You - Rachel's Hair Loss StoryHi there. I can’t begin to tell you how grateful I am to find this site. After 2 years of suffering in silence, I found reference to you on web-med. My lucky day! I cried at the compassion and sympathy that I found on the very first page. Thank-you!

My hair loss started after I had some children sleep over that had lice. I didn’t suspect lice until my head had itched for 2-3 months. I thought that I was having a re-action to shampoo or conditioner. Then, I put a fine tooth comb through my hair and big ole honkers fell out. Disgusting! I did not use toxic chemicals to get rid of them or I would have suspected that. I used tea tree oil, lavender oil, etc and left them on my head under a shower cap for a week and I combed out the eggs with a nit comb. At about this time (coincidence?) I started to lose my hair. I went and got a perm to feel better and even more fell out and broke off. I thought that my loss was lice and perm related, but it just kept falling out. I went to a MD and she took ferriten and thyroid test. Ferriten was low and she was convinced that was the cause. I begged her to take aggressive action to get to the bottom of this, but she said no, that any other Doc would think ferriten.

Well, 6 months later ferritin is normal and I am still losing hair. I have lost at least 1/2 of my previously very thick and beautiful hair. My scalp is very visable and I even bought a hair peice. I wear it in a pony at the top of my head, but suspect that won’t go on for long as it is becoming very obvious.

I finally got the MD to give me a blood test(which I have to pay for because my insurence will not pay for alopecia!). The results of the 4 hormones were pretty normal. Prolactin. testestarone, FSH and DHEA. These were the ones that she wrote for me. I wanted others, but she said no. I needed to find another avenue, so I am now going to do an indepth siliva test which will show a comprehensive view of my post menopausal hormone profile, and not through this Doc. I now know that I need to go elsewhere. Next I will probably go to a dermatoligist to get a scalp biopsy and whatever. [click to continue…]


The World's Best Ponytail Holder For Thin HairHi everyone, holidays are so busy… So many people to see so much stuff to do. I hope everyone has been enjoying themselves.

I have to tell you, I found the world’s best ponytail holder. I was having so many problems with all my current hair ties because nothing would hold my thin hair in a ponytail, all the hair ties would slip off and be a constant reminder of my hair loss. Every time I go to the grocery store I’m always looking in the ponytail hair tie section to see if I find anything, and I did!! It is made by “Goody” and called “Stay Put Hold” There is also one called “Slip Proof Hold” which is very similar. That hair tie gives a super tight grip to the hair and I can finally wear a ponytail comfortably without the band constantly falling out. It’s got a rubber feel with treads on it which keep it in place. This is a definite must have for anyone with thin hair, I bought 15 packs, and I’m certainly going to buy a bunch more. I found it about a week ago and kept meaning to write about it, but the holidays had me running around.

Looking forward to the new New Year, one thats filled with less depression, more happiness, more self acceptance and of course more hair šŸ™‚ I have lots to write about and have received many emails from from so many women with personal hair loss stories which I will be putting up. I apologize for not writing as frequently as I usually do, I’ve been so busy with work and the holiday season.

Cheers to the New Year.


What a birthday present, sudden hair loss at 27! Michelle's Hair Loss StoryAbout a month ago I went to the Dr. because I noticed a severe increase in the amount of hair I was losing in the shower and when I brushed my hair. I am an active duty military member and I donā€™t know about ā€˜civilianā€™ Dr.ā€™s but the oneā€™s on base just seem to shrug off any medical condition as stress related these days. She actually said to me ā€œI used to have really thick hair too; sometimes our hair phases get interrupted and itā€™s nothing to worry about.ā€ I took a blood test to check my thyroid and she said it was ā€˜normalā€™, which to me means nothing because Iā€™ve never had a thyroid test before so how does anyone know what my ā€˜normal is?! I donā€™t know if the Internet helps my plight as there seems to be almost an over-abundance of information out there and itā€™s sort of overwhelming me at the moment.

I just want to know whatā€™s going on. I feel so helpless and I am usually such an in-control person that this is killing me. It started about 3 months ago; I lose about 200 hairs everytime I wash my hair and another 100 or so when I brush it. I am not on any medication and am completely healthy otherwise, no birth control, no nothing! I am honestly to the point of being afraid to touch my hair. I have short hair dark hair and itā€™s really beginning to be noticeable where my part is. I hate wearing a wool coat because I shed all over the back and collar!

I hate being so obsessed with something that has never been an important part of who I am. I never took more then a minute with brushing it and putting some gel in it. Whereas I used to complain about how thick it was, I am wishing I could go back in time. My partner tells me itā€™s going to be fine and thereā€™s nothing noticeable but I can tell and itā€™s driving me nuts. I even started seeing a counselor to try and relax a bit and began taking pre-natal vitamins. (A pregnant friend thinks Iā€™m overreacting and that itā€™s normal. Only problem is Iā€™m not pregnant!) My mother, grandmother and even great-grandmother still have beautiful thick heads of hair so I donā€™t know whatā€™s going on. If anyone has any advice or anything, I just feel so out-of-control right now. I just finished reading Taylor’s story and compared to her I feel like a real wuss. =(


Dear Michelle,

Thanks for taking the time to share your story. I feel like there must be something that is causing your hair to shed at an accelerated rate. No birth control and no medications certainly eliminates a big section of the reasons why women’s hair begins to fall out. You didn’t indicate whether or not you’ve recently (over the last 6 months) experienced something traumatic or an extreme stressful event. Stress still is, and can be a possible cause of telogen effluvium (shedding) although I think often times it gets the bulk of the blame when the real cause is something else.

You also hit the nail right on the head when you indicated that your “thyroid” test is normal. What is normal? It’s not like we have been getting our thyroid tested annually since we were born. I’ve had my fair share of issues with thyroid and it’s primary treating medication, synthroid. Doctors frequently dismiss concerns about hair loss since it isn’t something that can “kill” you. I’ve actually been told that. My opinion on that is that it can certainly kill our spirit, and who we are. Sometimes we lose ourselves as we begin to withdraw more and more because of our hair loss. I frequently hope I’m bigger than that, not to let something like hair loss take such control over me and my life. But it already has, now I’m trying to get it back. [click to continue…]


Women's Hair Loss Support Group - Need Your InputHi everyone I’ve finally gotten over my sickness, and I want to thank you guys for your well wishings, I really do appreciate it. Being sick stinks, and I think I have a lower immune system than most so I’m more susceptible to all the germs floating amidst us out in the world. But on with my post…

I received an email a little while back from a woman named Lisa who was interested in starting a support group for women with female pattern hair loss. Here is her story:

I’m 29 years old and have dealth with hairloss since around twenty years old. I have AGA and am going through Tefflogen Effluvium for the 2nd time due to a miscarriage. I have gone through all the motions and emotions that women deal with hairloss. I have tried numerous types of treatments and am currently just using the hair laser treatment, AGAIN, at the suggestion of my husband. I said I would try one more time and if it didn’t work I will start looking for hair replacements, he is hesitant for that to happen. My hair loss is diffuse and I just don’t think its going to return to the thickness I once had.

Now, I want to try to help women, as you do, with your website. I am interested in starting a local support group for women with hair loss, specifically , with FPHL, AGA. Do you have any suggestions or someone I could contact to help jump start this project. I just don’t think there’s enough support for women like us and its time we we act locally. Thanks so much for your efforts, its help me greatly in dealing with the ups and downs of our affliction. -Lisa

I don’t have much experience with how to start live support groups since I’ve never been to one or started one either. I think a good place to start is to sort of get a feel for whether or not women with female pattern hair loss would attend. So the question is, if there was a local support group in your area where you could meet with other women with female pattern hair loss would you want to attend? Next would be finding people in different locations that would be willing to be the “host” or, really the go to contact person for that area. Then all that would be left is putting the word out, which I would be more than happy to use the Women’s Hair Loss Project for posting a bulletin of different locations that are offering support groups. Also Craig’s list would be another great place to post the support group listing. Lisa, where do you live? Why don’t we work on your first support group in your area. If anyone else has any ideas or suggestions on how to get this going please leave your comments and suggestions. I think it is a great idea that you are trying to launch this project, you are right, there really isn’t enough support out there for women suffering with female pattern hair loss, so I’ll help anyway I can. You are the same age as me, and have been we’ve have probably been losing our hair for about the same length of time since you indicated you began losing your hair around the age of 20. Is your husband supportive of what you are going through? Would he support you if you decided to wear hair? It is just awful to have to deal with this… 29 isn’t when we should lose our hair, and certainly not at 20, but I try and always look toward the positive and all that I am fortunate to have. I repeat to myself that “I am not my hair” and I need to live for today because tomorrow isn’t promised to any of us. Obviously easier said than done, but I still try. The worst was feeling alone, but we aren’t, there are so many women out there like you and me. I have received countless emails from women, more than I ever imagined I would. I promise to post every story that has been sent, it just takes time to get to them all. Each one is unique and yet so alike. I hope that you will be able to organize this support group in your area and I’ll help in anyway I can.



I’m Sick – I’ll Be Back Posting Soon

by Y on December 17, 2007

Hi everyone, just wanted to let you guys know I’ve been sick so I haven’t been able to post. Hopefully I’ll kick this thing the next day or so and be back. Don’t know if this has happened to anyone, but my whole boy is achy which is pretty typical of being sick, but my hair is achy too!! My head is very sensitive right now and touching my “hair” hurts.

Back To Bed For Me.



Hope For Sale - A hair loss woman's dream signToday is a struggle and yesterday was too. I was trying to leave the house yesterday, my fiance waiting by the door and I was upstairs struggling to make my hair look normal. It seems normal is no longer an option for me, and hasn’t been for quite some time. But yesterday I noticed that my V shaped deeply recessed temporal region had gotten worse. The recession is so deep it just about spans my whole side of my head to the back, it looks awful and is impossible to cover up. So there I was upstairs in front of the mirror, trying to re-tie my ponytail a million times, each one ever so slightly different… lower, higher, much lower… this hair over that one, clip here, clip there etc etc. I felt so defeated, I eventually gave up on trying to cover the deep V recession, lowered my head and headed out the door. That sort of sent me into a depressed like state which I unfortunately awoke with. But what are my options?… I can go back to bed and pull the covers over my head, but that would get old and quite boring after a hour or so, or I can just move on as I always do. I am much better at dealing with these “down” times than I was years ago. It seems hair loss has caused forced me to develop much better coping skills, so I guess that is a plus.

But I’m doing alright. I drank some coffee, took the dog for a walk and decided to write a post about this. I am incredibly good at finding hope when it seems there is none left, but I think that if “hope’ was for sale I’d have to purchase just a little to get me by today šŸ™‚ Hope is what keeps me going. I don’t just hope for my hair loss to stop, but I hope that I get stronger and more accepting of myself despite the amount of hairs on my head. I hope that I truly realize and understand that I am more than my hair, and I hope that all this happens before I am a very old woman. So I will look forward and I will get on with my day, because I have no other choice, life is waiting at the door, and I best go answer it before it passes me by.


Dear Gracie -I mentioned earlier in reply to your comment that I would post a youtube video that showed some women wearing hair, in particular the second woman (blonde) featured in the video is wearing a “topper.” Different things work for different people and sometimes it takes a little searching to find the right thing for us. I’ve been thinking about you all day and what you went through, I’m so sorry you had that experience.