For quite sometime I’ve wanted to do a podcast for The Women’s Hair Loss Project, to hear (not just read) the stories of other women and to provide another medium for women to connect. Life happens, and then nothing happens [face palm] it seems, but it’s here… finally, and I’m super excited to share the first episode with you.
I met my first guest, Ashley on Instagram not too long ago, and side note, if you didn’t know A ) I’m not dead and B ) I do have an Instagram account (@whlpnetwork), both seem to be a mystery to some who followed me years and ago and then I fell off them map. See above regarding “Life Happens,” but I digress.
I had answered a question sent to me by Ashley via posting a video response on Instagram and to my surprise she replied back via a YouTube video response. It was definitely a first for me, as many women have written over the years, but I can’t ever recall ever receiving a personal YouTube video response. As she went on to share more of her own story in her video, I felt an immediate connection to her dealing with hair loss at such a young age – starting at 23 and she’s now 28.
While my journey has evolved over the years from 21 to almost 42 this year, I felt deeply connected to those particular years of my life. Many of which I spent very alone, depressed and isolated. There were so many unanswered questions, endless doctor visits, and the confusion and despair of “what now,” when all roads seem exhausted, however, what never gets exhausted is learning from each other, and sharing our own stories/experiences and journeys. The value is that is always, priceless.
I hope you my first episode of The Women’s Hair Loss Project podcast, and I look forward to the opportunity to speak to many other women and probably even a few men
If you would like to be on the show please send me a note to:
Ashley had indicated to me that she would love to hear how other women shared with their boyfriends/husbands about their hair loss and/or hair wearing, as that is an issue not only she, but others find would be a very difficult conversation to have. That seems like it would be a great topic for a future episode. For those interested, or missed it, a few years back I filmed a YouTube video with Alex Hafner, called “Women, Wigs & Hair Loss – What Do Men Think?”
Please also write me with show ideas you have, I’m new to this, and welcome your input ! You can listen on Podbean below, or via iTunes and Spotify or watch the videocast on YouTube. xoxo ~Y
Special Thank You to Spencer Kobren (@spencerkobren) for allowing me to use his TBT Studio in Beverly Hills, to launch this podcast and for his assistance in producing it.
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So I discovered your website back in 2012 when you began your hair journey. Lina and I started emailing back and forth around that time, I pretty much cyber stalked you that entire first year or two, learning what I could, as your wigs were always SOOOO beautiful! The two of you were my inspiration to begin wearing hair. It took awhile, but I got there.
I think your next show should be on 1) Acceptance and wearing wigs doesn’t mean there isn’t a HUGE learning curve!! and 2) How to find the best wig you can in your price range. (I’d cut off my right arm for a Follea!) and 3) Not being taken advantage of – as women losing our hair, we’re desperate, and there are so many products out there being hawked to us. It’s easy to spend a fortune and end up with literally nothing to show for it!
Also potential pitfalls – know your return policies, make sure the only person cutting or coloring it KNOWS what they’re doing! My big one was once I made the leap I discovered I couldn’t wear lace fronts, or synthetics, (super sensitive scalp and skin) so that takes a HUGE amount of contenders out of the race for me. It was a real setback and major disappointment.
Anyway, I think for all the women out there thinking about wearing wigs you could really share these potential pitfalls and maybe have people call in with questions even.
This was a great idea, you’re really good at it!!
Thank you for your candid discussion. Its so hard for people not affected by alopecia to relate to. I heard the podcast the day it came out and have thought about it all week . All of us suffering from hair loss have those moments… avoid the mirror … just try to rise above it.. seems so petty given people with real medical problems. . but it does feel like a handicap. Even though I am totally healthy otherwise., I feel handicapped by hair loss, and then guilty for feeling handicapped…ugh!
@Angie T – I’m so happy to hear that myself and Lina where an inspiration to you. Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts for future episodes, they are great! I love hearing suggestions, it’s helpful to know what other women want to hear discussed. The next episode at did which will be out soon is with my awesome friend and wig master, Sophie Hafner. But I don’t know that we dived into these, but we will for sure being doing many more episodes. The studio I am using is set up for live calls, so I will be able to do that when I feel less terrified LOL. Or maybe have them call in within a pre-recorded time frame, so its a LITTLE less terrifying. Thanks again so much for your suggestions! XOXO
@Marilyn – I know the guilt you speak of, like the thoughts of… well others have it worse, but really this is something that was crippling for me and for others, so we shouldn’t feel ashamed of having the feelings we do related to our hair loss. No shame, no guilt. Your feelings are valid, and hard enough to deal with, we don’t need to torture ourselves any more than necessary. XOXO
Thank you both for listening to the podcast and sharing your thoughts !
I’m so happy your website is active and you are making podcasts. Sometimes it is the only thing that can get me out of a hair depression. Thanks!