We Get Choices In Hair Loss: Finding Strength and Self Acceptance To Reclaim Your Life – Podcast

by Y on July 17, 2024

In this episode I discuss some personal stories and reflect on how I came to accept and learn to live with hair loss, the path that helped to get me to where I am today. Hair loss is ever-evolving and my own journey has been just that. I have 25 years of hair loss, since the age of 21, and I got a 2nd type of hair loss (inflammatory alopecia ) in 2022. I shaved my head May 2023 and I have worn wigs since 2012. 

My hair loss journey has not been easy, and finding out the lighting does strike twice definitely impacted me, but one thing that has never changed over the years, is my desire to never want to live a hostage to hair loss ever again, and staying in front of that, whatever that means and whatever that takes. 

So many women and men are struggling day in and out to just get through the day and process this entire thing, the devastation, and I understand. In this episode I share my thoughts on all this and I hope it helps in some way, to at least know the ability to get through this exists, the ability to reclaim your life exists. That is real, and you can do it. 

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