Lost… But Not Forever

by Y on March 28, 2025

I remember reading Little Girl Lost by Drew Barrymore, when it first came out (around 1991) but mainly it’s the title that stood out LITTLE GIRL LOST. I just always related to those words. I read it when I was so young, and what stood out the most was that title, it seemed to be the tag line that would exist over my head and follow me around forever.  Little did I know in ways I would never imagine – Like beginning to lose my hair at 21 in 1999, starting to wear wigs in 2012 at 34, shaving my head at 45 in 2023.

But that Little Girl Lost tagline, far exceeded hair loss. 

Sometimes I wonder if I’m the only one that lived this way, where their others? Do people just have it ALL together. How can it seem year after year occurs, and it’s like you’re standing in place?  It becomes more alarming when you get older, and the days and years go by quicker. 

Stuck in the middle of the path between two trains whipping on each side of you, coming and going, the wind spinning you around, but still you feel you can’t move forward, but the people on those trains, they are headed somewhere, anywhere, and you just want be on one of those, out of the place you been standing in for so long. 

But we get to choose, at ANY moment, even it just never feels that way, we can step on that train, take a chance, move forward… we deserve that, if we want that. 

There are reasons beyond reasons why perhaps we stay stagnant, unmovable, maybe we don’t think we deserve better. We deserve better. Life was gifted to us, and it is OURS to live and do good with it, how we want, to find peace, to find our version of happiness. I say our version because I don’t think there is one definition of universal happiness for all, it’s what feels right for us.

Today, I choose me, not others thoughts or perceptions of me, or what anyone else thinks I should or should not do, or who I should or should not be. None of that matters in the end. 

Choose you… and fight for you in whatever way that means in your life today. Baby steps, they are still steps, a crawl is forward movement. Choose you. 

Beauty is in our imperfections, it is what makes us human, that’s worth embracing. 

Love to All,

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