Love For Mila – Video of Me & The Follea Aero-2 Wig

by Y on July 29, 2012

Today I’m having lunch with my mom, she hasn’t seen Mila yet in person, although I did send her a photo last week. So I decided that I would let Natalia sit this one out and proceeded to get this girl ready for the day. I took this opportunity to snap photos and video of Mila (Follea Aero-2 Lace Front) in greater detail.

I’m short on time this morning so I’m not going to write much, I’ll let the video speak for itself….


{ 8 comments… read them below or add one }

brooknix Ellie July 29, 2012 at 9:55 am

Oh my gosh!!! Ur amazin!!! Ur hair is amazin!!! U look great!!! wearin The wig grip w mila? R the follia wigs crazy expensive?? Letin my hair grow out at four weeks i think. I love that blendin idea!! Although, my wigs don’t stay on so tight now that my hair is growin in. Thanx so much for makin this video:) u rock girl!!!! Eye lashes r fallin out like crazy, kinda bummed 2day:( i keep makin wishes on the though:)


Ann T. July 29, 2012 at 11:18 am

one word…GORGEOUS! By the way, you have an amazing figure! Someone is fit!

Brooknix Ellie- MINE TOO! I just ordered RapidLash from Amazon after much debate on which product to buy.


Jessica July 29, 2012 at 2:55 pm

Completely amazing and beautiful – thank you for showing us x


Lina July 29, 2012 at 3:12 pm

Amazing! You mostly, and yeah ok the wigs are spectacular – so jealous!
Nice to see you smiling. Thank you so much for sharing, you have no idea how much it means. I agree with Ann T. you are beautiful and have an amazing figure! You are a very compassionate person for sharing your insights and journey and now I am not surprised – I see a cat and a dog in your video, I am a huge animal lover and get great comfort from my animals, sometimes they seem like all I have. Keep on being happy and please continue to share. You’re a movie star 🙂


Ann T. July 30, 2012 at 5:39 am

I am ordering my topper today…you have inspired me! I’m having it ordered from someone on the Network who offers this service and am slightly nervous about ordering without anyone having seen me in person (will it match my real hair, be the right color, etc?).
I showed my 6 year old daughter your video here and she said “she’s so beautiful mom”. I wanted her to get used to the idea that wearing hair is exciting and fun…but she saw the tears in my eyes. It’s an emotional thing to admit to yourself you have reached this point and there is no turning back to life as it was before. Thanks for giving me inspiration that I needed to take this step. hugs.


admin July 30, 2012 at 7:16 am

@BrooknixEllie – Thank you! I am wearing the WiGrip with Mila, in the little clip of me outside you can see the slight pinkness at the part line, that’s the WiGrip showing through a little bit since this is a lace top. Try the WiGrip, I think you’ll be surprised how well it works. I’m sorry to hear about your eyelashes 🙁 Good thinking capitalizing on making wishes on all of them though!

@Ann T – Aww thank you! I don’t “feel” too fit right now because I took like 2 months off working out, just started back last week. So I feel a little bit soggy in some places 🙂 But I very much appreciate the compliment… Congrats on taking the next step and ordering your topper! I understand being apprehensive about buying something sight unseen, but I think you’ll be in good hands. You’re daughter is so sweet and adorable, I loved seeing her photo in the network. She’ll adapt quickly to the idea that wearing hair is exciting and fun if you accept it as the same 🙂 It is a very emotional thing to reach the point to need to wear hair out of necessity, but it *can* be a wonderful, freeing and life changing experience. Hugs back at you!

@Jessica – thank you

@Lina – Thanks for your kind words! I am a huge animal lover, I have two cats and a German Shepherd. They are my babies. I got the gray cat in that picture in the video, back in 2001. I had been dealing with my hair loss for a couple years and was having a hard time living or doing anything quite frankly. I wanted to get a kitten to help cheer me up and bring happiness into my life. My fiancé and I went to the animal shelter and got not only one kitten, but two. I knew the name I wanted for my cat, boy or girl – didn’t matter. I wanted to name my kitten… “Hope” and that is HIS name. He’s the boy name Hope. Kinda funny to name a boy that, but he doesn’t mind. I wanted a reminder to myself that “Hope” was always around and indeed it was. I love my cats. So ya see, I’ve been struggling and looking for “Hope” for quite sometime 🙂



Linda July 31, 2012 at 10:44 pm

Wow! You are my new hero! You look amazing! Even with the video, I’m having a hard time figuring out where your hair ends and the wig begins. Amazing! I’m stunned! I hope to be as good as you are–with application of the wig and with sharing—when it’s my turn.


Emma October 25, 2012 at 12:02 pm

You look amazing! I love watching all your videos 🙂 You give a lot of people a massive amount of hope and let them know that wigs dont have to look like wigs at all these days. You are also a fan of Follea hair just like me xx


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