The last week as been an incredibly introspective week for me. The world is turned on its ear and we are all doing our best to adapt to the changes that seemingly appear hour to hour, yet alone day to day. I hope and pray everyone is doing well and staying healthy. I have been fairly active posting on social media in the last few months, but I am really feeling the desire now more than ever to reconnect with all of you, my WHLP family. My followers, old and new, the people that knew me from back in 2007 and onwards. You have been my support, my rock, my family and when I self reflected this past week, I realized it was really communicating through my site here has always been what has been the most rewarding, grounding, comforting and most importantly, always providing a feeling of safety.
Now more than ever, I am looking to reconnect with my WHLP Family. I’m posting this video special for those of you who have followed my site for years and subscribe to my mailing list, or more recently came across it. Much of the posting I’ve done in more recent times has been on social media (Instagram, Facebook, YouTube and I do encourage you to follow me there also if you choose and think it would be helpful), but The WHLP is my baby, it really is, my family and were I feel at home and secure and love connecting with you all. I’ll be posting more here now. Please also feel free to follow me on social media, as I will also continue to post there as well, but after a very introspective week,I think I will be focusing more on my website and posting my content right here for you ladies.
I know I’ve lost touch with some of you over the years, and would love to hear from you. Please feel free to drop a comment below. I also will be re-establishing the “Network” and upgrading it so that it is a means for women to use to connect and interact with one another as I originally set it out to be and was for many many years, when I first put it up in 2008. This will take a little time so please be patient, but I’m looking forward to growing the WHLP family again. Reconnecting with old friends and making new ones.
During this time where we are social distancing, it’s important to take care of our mental well being (I discuss my own issues with anxiety and depression the video), keep moving, exercising etc. While I can’t go to the studio to the podcast I can still do it from home (albeit at a lower audio quality, but I would like to help put out information you would find helpful. Please let me know what topics you’d like to hear about for the podcast or videos you’d like to see. I hope everyone is staying safe, and well, look forward to hearing from you.
As Always, Much Love To You All!
{ 7 comments… read them below or add one }
Hi, Your hair looks great, can you give us an update on the hair pieces you are using? Do you use a topper? How do you blend your regular hair with your piece? Have you ever ordered hair through the mail and how successful is that?
Thank you!
Hi Y,
So good to see you, and sending love, hugs and prayers to you as well.
thank you for the well wishes and stay safe!
Glad to see this community is back up! I’ve missed it.
Had some topic ideas based on my own personal experiences. I don’t know if you recall or not but I have a child who is disabled. She has atypical Rett syndrome, is severely autistic (violent and non verbal) and has epilepsy as well.
I make the case that stress can, indeed, cause chronic telogen iffluvium. I mean, genetics weren’t on my side in the first place, I took after the wrong side of the family – but my hair loss started the same time as my panic attacks, around age three. (She is now 17 and we are looking into residential school placement for her, or perhaps a group home setting.)
Part Two to this is that I always figured if my hair loss got too bad I could thrown on a wig and look fantastic, easy/peasy, right?
I can’t wear lace fronts. Yes, you read that right. My first wig was a Racquel Welch with a lace front. I wore it for a week and my poor forehead was completely raw and angry. Horrified, I tried to return it. Since it had already been cut there wasn’t much they could do. They ended up sewing some sort of plastic piece where the lace had been and cutting blunt bangs. It looked awful.
I can’t afford a super high end wig. In the end, I settled on going back and forth between Jon Renau’s Isabella and Lea Exclusive. They both work. But where is the joy I was supposed to find in hear wearing? It’s damn near impossible to find a wig that isn’t a lace front.
Just recently, I decided to bite the bullet and try a synthetic lace front due to financial issues. Girl, I no sooner tried those things on and it felt like a thousand bees were stinging my whole dang head.
Anyway, those are two topics I’d like to see covered. Now that you have time on your hands and all.
Even with the limitations wearing hair has been the best decision I’ve ever made. I can still wear my bio hair around the house but have to use a ton of tinted dry shampoo, which irritates my stupid sensitive scalp as well.
Your site has had a huge impact on so many and it’s so nice to see you back posting again, especially the podcast. You have no idea how many women you’ve helped through the years.
@Tina – Thank you! Yes for sure, I can cover these things. I have added it to a list of things to cover, thank you for your questions/suggestions on things to cover.
@Beth2011- Hi Beth! Thank you! Love & Hugs!
@Marilyn – Thank you! Same to you!
@S – Thank you so much ! I am working on upgrading the site so the commenting is easier and more up to date for replies and also following threads.
@Angie T – Thank you for sharing this and for your kind words. Is your first question regarding discussing the topic of stress related hair loss? Part two, is what you are asking on the topic of finding a less expensive wig that isn’t lace front, synthetic or otherwise? Just wanted to clarify
I don’t actually have a vast amount of knowledge as it pertains to any other brands, other than the one I wear, and then also some experience with Milano wigs, which I do think makes a good product. I purchased two of their wigs back in 2012 and while I ended up not wearing them for very long because I found Follea a month later I think, and it was a better fit for me, I do think they have a good product and are a good company based on my limited experience with them.
I’m not sure if you ever checked them out ? When it comes to online ordering I definitely think it’s super important to check return policy. Back then (2012) return policies weren’t great, it seems they’ve improved. I checked their site right now and it seems they have a 5 day return policy. Not sure if you’ve explored them, they have non lace fronts, and sales. I’d double check one return policies anywhere, before ordering, just to be double sure.
?It is so great and encouraging to hear from you all. XOXO
Yes, that was part of the first question – most of us with hair loss are here due to a variety of reasons but I think stress is often overlooked. Especially insanely high, non relenting stress. I mean, if it can give you a heart attack it can attack your hair, right? I just wish there were more attention brought to this as a cause in general.
I will check out Milano wigs, I did just order a new one from my local shop but will research them for next time.
As a rule I don’t buy it unless I try it on, but if the return policies are good I’ll have to reconsider…